Environmental hygiene and your health is our priority. Sanitising your workspace or home to WHO guidelines
Makes any indoor area hygienic and clean, from warehouse, hospital, home, supermarket, office space and more. Viruses, germs and bacteria are in the air and on all surfaces. The deposition of PURIFOG fluid is guaranteed to reach all surfaces, including vertical walls, corners, crevices and objects indoors.
- Works unattended and can be activated remotely
- Process only takes a few hours and will prepare the workplace for return of operations
- Non-toxic formula based on alcohol, water, dipropylene glycol and quaternary ammonium salts
- Estimated to be 1700 times the efficiency of a normal spray dispenser
- Highest level of hygiene

- It cleans and hygienises the air by depositing on the surface all the micro particles
- PuriFog contains surfacants which deposit evenly on all surfaces. This component helps all cleaning products to remove the dirt by passing over it with a damp cloth
- Dual use solution: antintrusion (lighter fog) and hygienizing
- Recommended for frequent use
- Air cleaning and hygienizing by letting mist fall on all surfaces and micro particles of any indoor environment
- It pulls down bad odours and leaves a pleasant scent
- It cleans and hygienizes all surfaces, even vertical ones
- Dual use for building security and sanitizing any indoor area

- Single use solution created for the current emergency in accordance with the international efficacy provisions of the WHO and the national ISS
- Solutions indicated for periodic use
- Air cleaning and hygienizing by letting mist fall on all surfaces and micro particles of any indoor environment
- It pulls down bad odours and leaves a pleasant scent
- It cleans and hygienizes all surfaces, even vertical ones
- WHO’s efficacy indications of 0.5% of sodium hypochlorite in the solution
- System only discharged whilst people are not in the building (on a weekend or at night)
- Ease of use and safe to return to operations the next morning.
- System triggered on a timer or remotely by building manager